Spirit Saturday in Gore, VA
As I lead Ceremonies and facilitate healing programs in California, New York and Hawaii, I often find myself thinking of friends and family back in the Shenandoah Valley For months, I have been discerning a call to return and create a day in which we could come together for retreat, restoration and reconnection.
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As I think about the people I feel inspired to serve during this free and relaxed mini-retreat, I see faces including:
Those who are living with grief after the loss of loved ones
Anyone who craves a reignited or deepened connection to Spirit
People who have are trying to build back from heartbreak or loss
Folks who feel disconnected from their purpose
Anyone seeking fresh energy and perspective to reinvigorate their passion for life
I will calibrate the afternoon’s activities to suit the needs of those who feel called to attend. Our activities will likely include:
Guided introduction to meditation and breathwork
Ceremonial invocation and prayer
Hourly conversation topics including:
Deepening our Connection to Spirit
Turning Heartbreak into Wholeness
Healing Grief and Easing the Fear of Dying
Sound bath
Nature walk to visit the retreat center’s sacred spaces and prayer grottoes
Introductory experience with shamanic healing medicines, for those who feel called (including sacred ceremonial tobacco, cacao and rapé)
The Venue
The Land Celebration is my family’s retreat center in Gore, VA. With accommodations for 40, the sprawling land features a lodge, multiple homes, dormitories, a lake, sweat lodge, outdoor Ceremonial spaces, traditional Native Tipi and so much more.
About Clark
I am Clark Nesselrodt, a Winchester native, life guide, ceremonial facilitator, end of life doula, strategic communications consultant and father. The predominant throughline of my life is the spiritual journey that has led me from a traditional protestant upbringing, to Judaism, metaphysical study, meditation, indigenous spiritual practices and work with plant medicines. The goal of my life and offering is to achieve and assist others in gaining self-realization and oneness with the Divine force that unifies us all — not an outward entity to be worshipped and feared, but an awakening and enlightening power present within our very bodies that can be felt and known personally.
Calling upon the loving support and training of lineages ranging from the great Yogi Avatars of the East to revered Masters of Western paths and modern day servants of our planet's current transformational shift, I humbly offer healing work, ceremony and coaching to support personal and collective transformation. Sessions are curated for each client/group from modalities including shamanic rituals, kundalini yoga, medicine work, hands on healing, channeling and more.