Clark’s Blog

Seven Questions to Ask a Plant Medicine Facilitator…Before You Work With Them
What I’ve had & what I’ve learned
living in trust, 18 months and counting

Flower Ceremony to Coincide with Vigil/Passing

Don’t Wait too Long to Call Hospice
I try not to feel anxiety on behalf of those I support. This is challenging when I think of folks approaching end-of-life who have not yet connected with a local hospice organization. Yet, when the topic is raised, so often the terminally ill bristle, and caregiving loved-ones respond “oh no, it’s not that bad yet.” But I implore them to recalibrate their perceptions. Hospice was not created to descend at the last second when death seems imminent. Rather, it is meant to support the dying and their families during the last 6-12 months of life. And, my personal believe is that easy, often free access to hospice is one of the greatest boons of our society.

End-of-Life Care May Be More Spirit-full Than Spiritual
“It is not my role or objective to bring spirituality, or even the topic of death, into the conversation unless and until a patient shows me signs they might like to discuss such things.”